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The Rollo


Cape Ann Advertiser, July 19, 1861

Missing Vessel!

It is seldom that we are called upon at this season of the year to chronicle the loss of one of our fishing vessels, but it becomes our duty this morning to announce that in all probability another has been added to the number of vessels lost in the Bank Fisheries the present year.

Schooner Rollo, Capt. Wm. E. Bambrick, sailed from this port for the Seal Island Ground, about the 23rd of May. Some three weeks after she put into Halifax, N. S., for a supply of provisions, and sailed again for the fishing grounds, since which time nothing has been heard from her. The crew of the vessel comprised eight men, four of whom were married, and left families. Their names are as follows:

Captain William E. Bambrick, a native of the state of Maine
Barnard Low
Frank Joseph
William Hopkins
James Babson, of Gloucester, leaves a widow and six children
Richard Dulintry, of Gloucester, leaves a widow and children
John McIntosh, of Boston, leaves widow and children
William Treffrey, of Beverly, leaves widow and family.

The Rollo was a first-class vessel of 84.45 tons, built at Essex in 1857, and owned by Messrs. A. Merchant & Co., of this town. She was valued at $4000 and was insured for $3500 at the office of the Gloucester Mutual Fishing Insurance Co.

This is the sixth vessel lost in the Bank fishery since the first of February. This does not include the two vessels lost in our harbor in the storm of March 21st. The entire loss of vessel property so far this year will not fall far short of $30,000, and the number of men lost in the Bank fishery is forty-nine, one more than the number lost on Georges last year.

We hope the mackerel fishery, in which the greater part of our fleet are at present engaged, may be exempt from loss.


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