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The Alice M. Strople


February 7, 1890

Sch. Alice M. Strople Believed to have Gone to Bottom
But Slight Hope for the Safety of Her Crew

The Alice M. Strople sailed from this port December 6th on a fresh halibut trip to the Grand Banks. Three days later she put into Halifax, N. S., where she remained a day or so, and proceeded to her destination. After having been on the Banks about three weeks she was spoken by the schs. Gladstone and Willie M. Stevens, at which time she had secured a good trip of fish, and was about to start for home, having 45,000 lbs. of halibut on board, and since that time no tidings of her whereabouts have reached the shore, and it is supposed she must have foundered in the hurricane of January 9.

Any yet the friends of those on board are loth to give her up, hoping, though against hope, that she may have been blown to sea and with disabled sails have been unable to sooner make the land, or that this crew were taken from the vessel by some craft bound to some foreign port.

The crew of the ill-fated vessel consisted of fourteen men, four of whom leave families, and most of whom were young men. Their names were as follows:

Capt. William Porper, master, 35 years, unmarried, a native of St. Francis Harbor, N. S.
Moses Carrigan, a native of Canso, N. S. leaves a wife and two children, mother, sisters and brothers in this city. Resided at No. 18 Pearl street
Angus McIsaac, 22 years, unmarried, a native of Judique, N. S.
John Kelly, 22 years, single, a native of Burin, N. F.
Thomas Martin, 28 years, single, a native of Herring Cove, N. S.
Alexander Dagget, 25 years, single, from Lunenburg, N. S., where he leaves a mother, brother and two sisters
George Nickerson, 24 years, single, a native of Cape Sable, N. S.
William Hunt, 25 years, single, from Guysboro, N. S.
Alexander Peeples, 35 years, a native of Steep Creek, N. S., leaves a widow and one child
John McDonald, 26 years, married, a native of Canso, N. S.
Robert Cavanaugh, 35 years, from Guysboro, N. S. , wife and child in this city
Thomas A. Taylor, 26 years, also from Guysboro, unmarried
Michael Deasy, 43 years, unmarried, a native of Ireland, had followed fishing form this port for 26 years
Charles H. Swim, cook, 24 years, single, a native of the city and son of Mrs. George W. Scott

The Alice M. Strople was a fine vessel of 89.90 tons, built in Essex in 1883, and was owned by Messrs. D. C. & H. Babson. She was insured by the Gloucester Mutual Fishing Insurance Company for $5645 on vessel and $1400 on outfits. The vessel and outfits were valued at $8000 and her fare at $3000. 


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