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The Seth Stockbridge


Sch. Seth Stockbridge 85.44 tons, built at Essex in 1875, owned by George Norwood & Son and engaged in the Greenland fishery, lost with all on board in the early summer, 1886.  Insured by the Gloucester Mutual Fishing Insurance Co. for $4158, with $200 additional in the same office on outfits. 
The crew list is as follows:

Antone Olson, master, left a widow
Christian Nelson, widow and family
Oscar Ludwick, native of Sweden, single
Peter Keil, native of Sweden, single
Alexander Johnson, native of Sweden, single
Alexander Carlson, native of Sweden, single
Conrad Hanson, native of Sweden, single
Hans Olson, brother of the master, native of Sweden, single
John Anderson, native of Sweden, single
Emel Paulson, native of Sweden, single
John Olsen, native of Sweden, single
William Hadley, native of Nova Scotia
Carlton H. Feltmate, native of Nova Scotia

James Brett shipped in the vessel but left, and the name of the man shipped in his place is not known.


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