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The Franklin Snow


Sch. Franklin Snow, lost on Grand Banks in March 1872.  Owned by George Steele, valued with outfits at $6700 and insured for $5926 in the Gloucester Mutual Fishing Insurance Office. 
Crew of twelve, as follows:

Charles P. Jewett, master, of Westport, Me.
Benjamin S. Jewett, Westport, Me.
Walter Jewett,
Westport, Me.
Horace P. Moore,
Westport, Me.
Moses J. Moore,
Westport, Me.
William Bushy, of Gloucester
Alfred Lawson,  of Gloucester
Henry Olsen, 
of Gloucester
George Jewers, 
of Gloucester
Henry Lambert, 
of Gloucester
peter Conway, 
of Gloucester
James G. Anderson, 
of Gloucester


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