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Drowned by a Swordfish


July 1902   

Drowned by Swordfish
Big Fish Hauls Isadore Bouchee From Dory
Road Line Had Hard Turn Around His Leg

Sch. W. B. Keep, Capt. John McKinnon, engaged in swordfishing, arrived form George's this morning with her flag at half-mast for the loss of Isadore Bouchee, one of her crew.  The sad accident happened at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon.  A big swordfish had been harpooned from the pulpit and Bouchee put off in a dory to pick up the buoy and haul in on the road line.  The fish came in easy, and Bouchee had the road line all in but eight fathoms, when those on the schooner saw the line pull tight and, to their horror, noticed Bouchee go over the rail and disappear beneath the surface.  The line had caught around one of his legs and when the fish darted off he had pulled the unfortunate man, who was unable to clear himself, overboard, and under water with the road line.

In less than four minutes another dory from the vessel was on the scene and two men were hauling as hard as they knew how on the line, but could not gain an inch.   After a while the fish played out, and there, eight fathoms from the 400-pound swordfish, was Bouchee caught securely by the road line around the leg and evidently dead.  He was taken on board the vessel and all efforts to resuscitate him were unsuccessful, so the vessel headed for home to bring in his body.

Bouchee was 48 years old and leaves a widow at No. 12 Taylor street, Gloucester.


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